What is Making Tax Digital?
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An Introduction to Making Tax Digital for Landlords

Learn About Making Tax
Digital for Income Tax

Making Tax Digital for Income Tax is the biggest shakeup of the UK taxation system in generations. On this page you can learn why the system is changing, how the new system will impact landlords and how to prepare for the changes ahead.

Get Answers to Your Questions About Making Tax Digital

Making Tax Digital Timeline

Government announces MTD plans
Landlord Vision begins MTD integration
MTD is rolled out to VAT registered companies
Landlord Vision Demo’s MTD integration to HMRC
Landlord Vision launches MTD integration to pilot users (HMRC restrictions apply)
HMRC to expand the MTD pilot to allow more landlords to test the service
Expected rollout of MTD for Income Tax
Learn About Making Tax Digital for Income Tax

What is Making Tax Digital?

The simplest explanation of Making Tax Digital is that the tax system in the UK is moving away from paper tax returns and instead wants to make it compulsory for individuals and businesses to submit income and expense data digitally.

When the changes come into effect, you’ll need to submit 4 quarterly income tax updates and a final declaration a year digitally. There are benefits though. No more large tax bills at the end of the year and real time tax reporting so you can see how much you owe at any one point in time. Get more familiar with Making Tax Digital using the other information and resources on this page.

Why is Making Tax Digital happening?

Icon - To Make Tax Preparation Easier

To Make Tax Preparation

A digital system will give tax payers more oversight on their financial situation and allow them to prepare for their tax payments.
Icon - to Improve the Accuracy of Tax Payments

To Improve the Accuracy
of Tax Payments

Real time tax reporting allows you to see how much tax you need to pay at any one time, reducing the amount of over or under payments.
Icon - to Prevent Mistakes in Tax Data

To Prevent Mistakes in
Tax Data

Digital systems are reliable and so using a digital system to submit tax returns should prevent mistakes being made in the data.
Did you know that Landlord Vision is Making Tax Digital ready?
Making Tax Digital for Income Tax Essential Information

Making Tax Digital for Income Tax Essential Information

Making Tax Digital is being rolled out in stages. In April 2019 it became compulsory for VAT registered businesses to submit tax returns digitally using MTD software. The plan was supposed to roll out to individual tax payers in April 2020, but this has been postponed until at least April 2023.

The only landlords who are exempt from MTD are those with an annual income of less than £10,000. This is the income from all properties and not just the profit figure. If you have income from self employment as well as your property income it's likely both of these will be taken into account when assessing your eligibility.

As well as using software to submit your tax returns to HMRC's digital system you'll need to keep digital records. The government haven't yet shared many details around this, previously they revealed it would mean keeping receipts in digital format and keeping digital income and expense records for individual properties.

How can landlords prepare for MTD for Income Tax?

When MTD is live for individuals you'll need to use a compatible software to submit your tax returns. With a focus on digital record keeping as well, it makes sense to use a software that can handle every element of your portfolio.

How can landlords prepare for MTD for Income Tax?

Find MTD for Income Tax ready software

With Landlord Vision you can manage all aspects of your properties in one place. The software integrates with Making Tax Digital, so as this is rolled out to more individual taxpayers you’ll be automatically ready for the changes.

Get comfortable with your landlord software

The best way to prepare for MTD is to get acquainted with a new compatible software and to get into the habit of keeping more robust records. Get started with Landlord Vision today and you’ll find the Making Tax Digital rollout a breeze.

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